🌲Welcome to Banyan

Easy, secure, decentralized data storage.


Banyan is a decentralized file storage platform that encrypts your data at the edge and distributes it to the Banyan network of secure storage providers.

Our cold storage is hosted on Filecoin, but has the added bonus of Banyan's data maintenance, retrievability and replication, cybersecurity features, SLAs, and our easy-to-use products and clients.

We are the easiest and most reliable way on the market to get your data onto Filecoin- if you want, you can think of us as a very fat usability and reliability layer over the Filecoin network.

But, of course, we're also the best way to use decentralized storage in the industry, period.

Manage your data with ease using our various interoperable clients (including Javascript and Rust BanyanFS SDKs for use in apps), a Dropbox-like web experience for uploads and data management, a CLI for large-scale uploads, and an S3 API.

Then, access your data, view cryptographic proofs of its storage, audit its cryptographically-signed edit history, and securely collaborate on it with others.

Video overview

Got 2 minutes? Check out a video overview of our webapp product: (TODO: update to latest version, redo demo)

Get Started

We've put together some helpful guides for you to get set up with our product quickly.

🖨️pageWeb Client💾pageCLI Uploading🦿pageUsing the SDK💡pageWhat Banyan Does (for nerds)pageBanyan and its Network🧊pageArchive Snapshots (Filecoin)📪pageBanyan's Security Model

Last updated